Abusive Parents: His father beats him every time Johnny is home and his mother ignores him.Both of his parents are abusive, and his real family is the gang. Sixteen-years-old and Pony's best friend. Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Both he and Sodapop are quick to remind people that yes, those are their legal names.He puts out his cigarette, breaks the bottom of his Pepsi bottle and approaches the Socs, who immediately go back inside their cars and drive off. Ponyboy notes that rather than feeling threatened he feels.
Took a Level in Badass: After being acquited in the trial, Ponyboy is confronted by some Socs out in the parking lot of a convenience store.He's shown to hang out with Dallas and Two-bit without the presence of either of his brothers, and is very close with Johnny. Tagalong Kid: Played with in that the gang consists of the childhood friends of his older brothers, but Steve seems to be the only one that truly considers him as such.Too bad for Pony, because he has to cut and bleach it after he runs away. Nobody Touches the Hair: He's really fond of his hair, and Johnny even tells him that he and Soda had the coolest hair in town.It's All My Fault: At one point in his Heroic BSoD he is determined to testify that he killed Bob fortunately everyone can see how delirious he is and doesn't press him.I Should Write a Book About This: At the end of the book he starts writing a story - suggested to be the very story of the novel - so that the rest of the world can know just what delinquent teens' lives are actually like.The last lines of the book suggest that the whole thing was a story he wrote for school. The Hero: He's the center of the story.Heroic BSoD: Just when you think he's had one, he finally passes out for three days after Dallas dies.Getting wrapped up in a murder, running away from home, dealing with the death of his best friend. Break the Cutie: He's the youngest member of the group, and he sure does go through a whole lot.He even mentions loving Soda more than he did his own parents. Big Brother Worship: When the gang is introduced his description of his brother Sodapop makes it obvious just how much he admires him.Also, being called "white trash with long greasy hair". Berserk Button: People questioning if "Ponyboy" is his real name.Badass Bookworm: He enjoys reading and can kick ass in a rumble.In the book, however, he actually puts up a decent fight. Adaptational Wimp: In the final fight he gets beaten pretty badly.He's fourteen, and very intelligent he even skipped a grade. His parents died when he was younger, so he lives with his two brothers, Sodapop and Darry.